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ADR040: BOSH access without SOCKS5 or SSH


To comply with Payment Card Industry (PCI) Requirements we will remove the use of shared credentials anywhere in the platform.

We will use Google Single Sign On (SSO) to avoid credential sharing.

To enable SSO we will expose some of the APIs on the BOSH instance without using a SOCKS5 proxy. This is due to the SOCKS5 proxy not being compatible with our VPN, which in turn creates a support risk.

We discussed proposed methods with IA and Cyber after reviewing the RFC created as part of #169915408


We will remove the reliance on SOCKS5 or SSH tunnels for the User Account and Authentication Service (UAA) API endpoint so that we can remove the use of shared credentials.

With these in place we are unable to complete an SSO journey from one of our existing IDPs as the BOSH instance is not browser accessible.

The current method will be replaced with SSO in order to obtain a UAA token. This token is then used to interact with the rest of the APIs on the BOSH instance.


In the initial implementation we will place UAA on the BOSH director on the internet using the IP allow list and using Google for SSO.

Access to both BOSH and CredHub will continue to be through SSH Tunnels during this phase of implementation.


By using this method we are retaining the benefit of using IP allow lists whilst removing the shared credential that is in use.




We will no longer rely on IP allow lists or SSH tunnels and have individual credentials for accessing UAA on the BOSH Director.

Cyber can set up full alerting for this component.

We will not be using SSH tunnels to obtain UAA tokens.