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This is for internal use by the PaaS team. Public-facing documentation is located at

ADR047: Postgres allowed-extensions approach


Up to the release of postgres 13 plans to tenants, the policy for choosing the set of postgres extensions we allow for a certain major version was ad-hoc. A mixture of “allow everything”, simply copying the list from the previous postgres version and not actually trying any of these extensions had lead to an extensions list (published at with:

  • misnamed entries
  • entries removed from earlier postgres versions
  • missing newly-offered extensions
  • extensions that could never be used without superuser access
  • extensions that could never be used with the VPC restrictions we have in place for our RDS instances.

Some of these extensions had been omitted from the list in the documentation, but it was unclear how these decisions had been made and where we stood on each extension.

This is confusing for tenants and could lead them down a path of trying to use an extension which will never work, or even start designing a system that relies on functionality in a listed extension only to find it unusable.


For postgres 13 onwards, offer a selection of extensions limited to those we know can be successfully enabled and think are feasible to use given the limitations of our platform.

Maintain a document (initially a spreadsheet tracking our conclusions on each extension by postgres major version.

When preparing to offer a new postgres major version to tenants, a new sheet should be copied from the previous release’s sheet and adjusted according to the new list of extensions in the RDS documentation. New entries should be researched and decided upon whether they are feasible to use without superuser privileges and from within our VPC.

Using a dev environment with the new postgres available and a script such as the one found in (or preferably an improved one), each extension remaining in the “final list” should be checked in turn to ensure it can be enabled and then disabled. This may involve discovering (through trial and error) which extensions have dependencies on others. It’s likely to be the same as the previous release, so that’s a good starting point. This is good information to maintain as it would come in useful if we ever decided to make the rdsbroker smarter and able to auto-load dependencies.

This should also reveal whether any new extensions require shared_preload_libraries. Any that do should have appropriate additions made to .

Beyond making sure an extension loads, actually trying out the functionality of each extension is beyond the time committment we’re willing to give this for now. We may update the documentation to note the semi-supported nature of postgres extensions on our platform.




Adding a new major postgres version will take a little more work than before.

There’s a possibility we’ll mistakenly disable an extension that would prove useful to a tenant in some way. In this case they can always ask us about it and we may re-assess. It’s not as though we’re removing an extension from a current database.