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This is for internal use by the PaaS team. Public-facing documentation is located at

Tenant Application Penetration and Load Testing

Penetration testing

We no longer have to notify AWS of penetration testing, however it is useful for the team to know that this is taking place and that we have contact details of the testers if issues arise during the testing window.

Name Value
source_IP Provided by penetration tester. The IPs that the test will originate from.
phone_for_testing_team Provided by penetration tester. Phone number of the testers.
peak_bandwidth Provided by penetration tester. The peak amount of bandwidth the tests will consume (Gbps).
peak_rps Provided by penetration tester. The peak number of requests-per-second the tests will perform.
StartDate Provided by penetration tester. When will the test start? (eg. 2017-09-26T09:00:00Z )
EndDate Provided by penetration tester. When will the test end? (eg. 2017-09-26T18:00:00Z )
can_you_stop Provided by penetration tester. Once started, is it possible to stop the test immediately if there is an issue?
emergency_contact Provided by penetration tester. Email and phone number in case issues arise.

Load Testing

Before allowing a load test against applications running on PaaS we may have to notify AWS. Currently we are not sure on the scenarios when we do not have to notify AWS. We are erring on the side of caution and notifying for all load tests.

There are two methods to notify AWS: a form which requires root account access, or, by emailing Both require providing the following information:

Name Value
AWS AccountId Production account ID
SubmitterName Your name
CompanyName Government Digital Service
EmailAddress Team email address
AdditionalEmail1 Optional
AdditionalEmail2 Optional
AdditionalEmail3 Optional
Customer_NDA yes
ec2_resources EC2 resource IDs to be tested.
cloudfront_ID CloudFront distribution IDs to be tested.
api_gateway N/A
rds_resources N/A
elb_resources ELB hostnames to be tested.
external_IPs N/A
nameserver_info N/A
dns_owner_notified N/A
TLD_scanned N/A
source_IP Provided by tester. The IPs that the test will originate from.
on_prem Provided by tester. Will the requests originate from the office of the testers?
third_party Provided by tenant. Are the testers a third-party company?
phone_for_testing_team Provided by tester. Phone number of the testers.
testing_company_NDA Provided by tester. Has an NDA with AWS been signed by the penetration testers?
peak_bandwidth Provided by tester. The peak amount of bandwidth the tests will consume (Gbps).
peak_rps Provided by tester. The peak number of requests-per-second the tests will perform.
dns_walking_qps N/A
StartDate Provided by tester. When will the test start? (eg. 2017-09-26T09:00:00Z )
EndDate Provided by tester. When will the test end? (eg. 2017-09-26T18:00:00Z )
testing_details Provided by tenant. Why is the test being carried out? What is the test covering?
metrics_of_test Provided by tester. What metrics are being measured in order to decide the success or failure of the test?
can_you_stop Provided by tester. Once started, is it possible to stop the test immediately if there is an issue?
emergency_contact Provided by tester. Email and phone number in case issues arise.

Find penetration testable EC2 instance IDs

AWS only allows penetration tests on instances of certain sizes. You can find all valid instances with the following:

aws ec2 describe-instances \
| jq '.Reservations[].Instances[] | select(.InstanceType != "t2.nano" and .InstanceType != "t1.micro" and .InstanceType != "m1.small") | .InstanceId' --raw-output

Find ELBs

For tenant application penetration testing it should only be necessary to provide the router ELB:

aws elb describe-load-balancers \
| jq '.LoadBalancerDescriptions[] | select(.Scheme == "internet-facing") | select(.LoadBalancerName | endswith("-router")) | .DNSName' --raw-output

Find CloudFront distributions

The cdn-route service uses a CloudFront distribution. You can discover these distributions with the following:

aws cloudfront list-distributions \
| jq '.DistributionList.Items[] | select(.Comment == "cdn route service") | .Id' --raw-output

Find external IPs (NAT)

aws ec2 describe-nat-gateways | jq -r '.NatGateways[].NatGatewayAddresses[].PublicIp

Find RDS instances from a given org

Assuming you are logged in the production CF and AWS_DEFAULT_REGION set to the right region



account_id="$(aws sts get-caller-identity --output text  --query Account)"
rds_services="$(cf curl /v2/services | jq '[ .resources[] | select(.entity.service_broker_name == "rds-broker") | .metadata.guid ]')"

cf curl /v2/service_instances?q=organization_guid:$(cf org --guid $ORG) | \
    jq -r \
        --argjson rds_services "${rds_services}" \
        --arg aws_default_region "${AWS_DEFAULT_REGION}" \
        --arg account_id "${account_id}" \
        .resources[] |
            select([.entity.service_guid] | inside($rds_services)) |