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Enhancing Kibana

We may find the need, to parse some more logs into Kibana for later use at convinient times.

How it works

The logstash config file is being generated:

  1. The logsearch-4cf packaging runs the build script which executes rake build.
  2. The logsearch-4cf rake build renders the main template file and creates logstash-filters-default.conf. It follows the parsing-rules order to acomplish it’s task.
  3. Logsearch functionality logstash_parser.filters, takes a list of files that must be present on disk. These contain logstash filters.
  4. Standard logsearch-4cf logstash-filters-default.conf is added to logstash_parser.filters.
  5. We add the path of our own custom-filters file to logstash_parser.filters.
  6. With help of our PR we can add content to the custom-filters file by filling in propertylogstash_parser.custom_filters
  7. The logsearch parser_ctl gathers all the files, including the ones from logstash_parser.filters to create /var/vcap/jobs/parser/config/logstash.conf which then is used by Logstash on each run.

Running Logstash

  1. Download logstash@5.0.0 - you will need Java 8.
  2. Install the translate plugin: logstash-plugin install logstash-filter-translate
  3. Copy /var/vcap/jobs/parser/config/logstash.conf locally or use the minimal config logsearch_logstash.conf
  4. Edit the config file and point to the log input file
  5. Run logstash: logstash -f ../../logstash/logsearch_logstash.conf
  6. You may find Grok debugger useful


Working with the above, may be a very unappealing process… If you combine it with you can save a lot of time

  1. To restart reading from the beginning of file: rm data/plugins/inputs/file/.sincedb_* and restart logstash
  2. To start reading the log file from beginning everytime you restart logstash:

    file {
        path => "/Users/colin/Documents/Boulot/gds/logstash/nginx_access.log"
        start_position => "beginning"
        sincedb_path => "/dev/null"
  3. If you combine it with you can save a lot of time

Working example

Now, let’s say we’ve got a log like:

May 11 13:24:09 57n27d4b-60p0-42ly-a00a-f913j7b8841f custom_nginx_access: - - [11/May/2017:13:24:09 +0000] "GET /healthz HTTP/1.1" 200 3 "-" "ELB-HealthChecker/1.0"

By adding few extra lines to our logstash configuration file, we can specify, what these actually are:

if [@source][component] == "custom_nginx_access" {
  grok {
    match => {
      "@message" =>
      '%{IPORHOST:[nginx][clientip]} - - \[%{HTTPDATE:[nginx][timestamp]}\] "%{WORD:[nginx][verb]} %{URIPATHPARAM:[nginx][request]} HTTP/%{NUMBER:[nginx][httpversion]}" %{NUMBER:[nginx][response]} (?:%{NUMBER:[nginx][bytes]}|-) (?:"(?:%{URI:[nginx][referrer]}|-)"|%{QS:[nginx][referrer]}) %{QS:[nginx][agent]}'

After a restart and successful entry in Kibana, it will look like that:

Key Value
nginx.agent “ELB-HealthChecker/1.0”
nginx.bytes 566
nginx.httpversion 1.1
nginx.request /info
nginx.response 200
nginx.response_time 0.029
nginx.timestamp 11/May/2017:14:59:04 +0000
nginx.vcap_request_id 9ed66476-764d-486e-b52c-05280929f726
nginx.verb GET