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Upgrading Concourse

This document explains how to upgrade Concourse to a newer version.

Preparing the pull requests

You can find new releases of Concourse in the documentation for the Cloud Foundry BOSH releases. Find the version you want to upgrade to and carry out the following steps:

  1. Update the Concourse release in the concourse manifest with the new version, url and sha. For example:

    version: "7.8.3"
    sha1: "5d80eb00215b59b4c93f0938cb465fd28036b04d"
  2. Update the version for the vagrant image. For example:

    image: concourse/concourse:7.8.3
    image: concourse/concourse:7.8.3
    image: concourse/concourse:7.8.3
  3. Update the version for the vagrant docker post deploy. For example:

    sudo docker run --rm -v /tmp/keys:/keys concourse/concourse:7.8.3 \
    generate-key -t rsa -f /keys/session_signing_key

sudo docker run –rm -v /tmp/keys:/keys concourse/concourse:7.8.3 \ generate-key -t ssh -f /keys/tsa_host_key

sudo docker run –rm -v /tmp/keys:/keys concourse/concourse:7.8.3 \ generate-key -t ssh -f /keys/worker_key “`

  1. Create a pull request in paas-bootstrap.

Testing the upgrade in a dev environment

  1. Claim one of the dev environments by sending a message to the #paas-internal channel on GDS Slack, tagging @paas-devs.
  2. Make sure the current branch of paas-bootstrap deployed by the create-bosh-concourse pipeline to the environment is main and has been run with the latest commit. If not, run the following command, where $ENV is the name of the environment (for example “dev01”), and where $ACCOUNT is the name of the AWS account targeted (for example “dev”):

    gds aws paas-$ACCOUNT-admin -- make $ENV deployer-concourse pipelines BRANCH=main

    After this, re-run the pipeline.

  3. Pause the create-cloudfoundry pipeline in the dev environment so a Cloud Foundry deployment cannot happen at the same time.

  4. Update the create-bosh-concourse pipeline to deploy your paas-bootstrap branch to the dev environment. You can update it by running:

    gds aws paas-dev-admin -- make $ENV deployer-concourse PIPELINES branch=YOUR_BRANCH_NAME
  5. The concourse-deploy job might fail because the BOSH Director destroys the Concourse worker. This is expected behaviour, as the destruction of the Concourse worker has no impact on BOSH’s ability to continue its work. If this happens, you will need to trigger a new build for the concourse-deploy job.

  6. When the create-bosh-concourse pipeline finishes, run the create-cloudfoundry pipeline using the main branch of paas-cf.

Testing the upgrade for Concourse Lite

  1. Claim one of the dev environments by sending a message to the #paas-internal channel on GDS Slack, tagging @paas-devs..
  2. Launch Concourse Lite.

    gds aws paas-$ACCOUNT-admin -- make $ENV deployer-concourse bootstrap
  3. Log into Concourse Lite using the credentials shown in the output from Step 2.

  4. If Step 3 is successful, shut down Concourse Lite by running the self-terminate pipeline.

    Merging the upgrade

If the previous steps succeed, you can open a pull request in paas-bootstrap. After an engineer approves the pull request, do the following:

  1. Merge-sign the pull request using the following command in the gds-cli:

    gds git merge-sign alphagov/paas-bootstrap <PR_NUMBER>
  2. Check there are no active deployments, then send a message to the #paas-internal channel on GDS Slack, informing @paas-devs you will be upgrading Concourse and pausing the create-cloudfoundry pipelines.

  3. To deploy to the dev environments, make sure nothing is being deployed and pause the pipeline-lock job in the create-cloudfoundry pipeline.

  4. Trigger the create-bosh-concourse pipeline in the dev environments. You can do this by triggering a new build of the init-bucket job in Concourse.

  5. To deploy to ci, make sure nothing is in active deployment and trigger the create-bosh-concourse pipeline. You can do this by triggering a new build of the init-bucket job in Concourse.

  6. To deploy to staging, make sure nothing is being deployed and pause the pipeline-lock job in the create-cloudfoundry pipeline.

  7. Trigger the create-bosh-concourse pipeline in staging. You can do this by triggering a new build of the init-bucket job in Concourse.

  8. Once this is finished, unpause the create-cloudfoundry pipeline by pausing the pipeline-lock job in staging.

  9. Before deploying to production, notify the #cyber-security-help channel, informing them that you are pausing the create-cloudfoundry pipelines in both prod and prod-lon, which means they won’t see any logs for 1-2 hours and they may receive an alert.

  10. Follow steps 5 to 7 for prod and prod-lon to pause and trigger the pipelines.

  11. Once this is finished, unpause the pipelines and notify the #cyber-security-help channel, informing them that you have unpaused the pipelines, so they should start receiving logs again.