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This is for internal use by the PaaS team. Public-facing documentation is located at

Finding the activity for a given user

In case of suspicion of compromised CF details, we can use Kibana to obtain some information about the API use.

Finding user GUID

To find the user ID of a particular user see finding a user account

Finding deleted user GUID

There may be a need to find a GUID for already deleted user. There is a way to do that, but it’s a little inconvenient…

If you go to Kibana, you can use the "DELETE \"/v2/users" phrase in your search. This will print out the logs that were taken on user removal. This does not however, give you an indication of who the user was.

Kibana: Finding API usage

We can make the investigation easier for ourselves by considering the following criteria:

  • Filter by user by typing "for user: {GUID}" in a search box
  • Optionally: Scope to job: api - From the sidebar on the left, select @source.job and add api by pressing little magnifying glass with a plus sign.
  • @message should consist of:
    • Detailed endpoint - You may filter by adding "/v2/apps/{APP_GUID}", "GET \"/v2/jobs"
    • IP address - You may filter by adding "ip: {IP_ADDRESS}"
    • vcap_request_id - You may filter by adding "vcap-request-id: {REQUEST_GUID}"

You can combine many quoted attributes into one, by joining the quotes with &&, like so:

"for user: {GUID}" && "ip: {IP_ADDRESS}" && "GET \"/v2/jobs"

It probably won’t end here, but it should provide a start for an individual to go further.

Getting further

Once you found something interesting above, you could use it to refine your search to get deeper. For instance, one of the logs above, would have:

  • - Defining the VM we’d need to access. For example: 4556706c-0e04-401e-bbc5-d0933e98f892
  • @message consisting of vcap-request-id

If you search for "{VCAP_REQUEST_ID}" in Kibana, you should get more actions performed on an API call.

Each of the results will be different, but it could consist of more data. For example, with a PUT request, you could find a cloud_controller_ng.body, cloud_controller_ng.method and cloud_controller_ng.message.

Here’s a sample JSON of the above:

    "timestamp": 1492615195.9275572,
    "message": "droplet created: XXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXX",
    "log_level": "info",
    "source": "cc.package_stage_action",
    "data": {
        "request_guid": "XXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXX"
    "thread_id": XXXXXXXXXX,
    "fiber_id": XXXXXXXXXX,
    "process_id": XXXX,
    "file": "/var/vcap/packages/cloud_controller_ng/cloud_controller_ng/app/actions/droplet_create.rb",
    "lineno": 52,
    "method": "create_and_stage"

It would imply that a new app has been created and staged.

Finding the access logs

There may be times, where we’d need to be troubleshooting or reviewing an API Access logs. Here is a list, of more relevant and interesting points to be concerned about:


In kibana, filtering the @source.component to gorouter will show the access logs, error logs, and route registration events.

You can filter access logs only with:

  • tags:gorouter_access_log

Request details are also parsed to allow searches like:

  • NOT gorouter.status: 200
  • gorouter.method: POST

Router HAProxy

In Kibana, you can look for the following phrases, to filter the access logs.

  • haproxy.http_status_code: 200
  • NOT haproxy.http_status_code: 200
  • haproxy.http_request_verb: POST
  • haproxy.time_backend_response: >7

Cloud Controller

Nginx runs on the same VM as Cloud Controller, so you can filter with:

  • @source.component:vcap_nginx_access

UAA audit log in detail

You may find it necessary, to go deeper into the audit logs:

  • Token issued for a user: uaa.audit.origin: ""
  • All user created events: uaa.audit.type: UserCreatedEvent
  • All token issued events: uaa.audit.type: TokenIssuedEvent
  • All token issued events (case doesn’t matter):uaa.audit.type: tokenissuedevent
  • All successful authentication events: uaa.audit.type: UserAuthenticationSuccess
  • Authentication of a user: ""
  • All successful authentication events via SSO: uaa.audit.type: UserAuthenticationSuccess AND uaa.audit.origin: sessionId
  • All successful authentication events via non SSO: uaa.audit.type: UserAuthenticationSuccess AND uaa.audit.origin: clientId
  • Authentication failures: uaa.audit.type: PrincipalAuthenticationFailure
  • Authentication failure for a user: uaa.audit.type: PrincipalAuthenticationFailure AND uaa.audit.principal: admin
  • SSO authentication failure doesn’t show specific logs, only uaa.audit.type: ClientAuthenticationSuccess from the cf client.

Finding PaaS internal application logs

For certain applications we forward the logs to Logit using a syslog drain. In Kibana you can use the following filters to search for such logs:

To list all application logs:

tags: logmessage

To list all application routing logs:

tags: "logmessage-rtr"

To list all logs written by the application:

tags: "logmessage-app"

To filter by application name:"<org>.<space>.<app name>", e.g."admin.public.paas-admin"

To filter by guid:

@source.component:"<GUID>", e.g. @source.component:"6e70d438-d9ac-4576-816f-9d5511eb3e43"