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This is for internal use by the PaaS team. Public-facing documentation is located at



Each AWS account has root account credentials, which we don’t use.

Instead we access AWS resources using IAM.

IAM Roles for VMs

We use IAM roles via intance profiles on our EC2 instances to delegate particular restricted permissions to processes running on those instances.

IAM Roles for Humans

See the reliability engineering documentation on how to access AWS accounts.

We have a number of IAM roles intended for operators of the platform to use.

You should always try to use the least privileged role possible. This helps mitigate several risks, such as:

  • accidentally performing a destructive action due to a typo (e.g. running terraform destroy -auto-approve against the wrong account)
  • compromise of a privileged token leading to a serious security incident


The Operator role grants a minimal set of mostly read-only permissions.

Wherever possible this should be the only role we use to interact with non-dev environments. Actions which require higher privileges should usually be done through version controlled changes deployed through our pipelines.

There are some actions which are not deployed through the pipelines for which the operator role is insufficient. For example:

  • running AWS account wide terraform (requires Admin)
  • performing maintenance on tenant databases (requires Admin)

In these situations it is acceptable to use an Admin role.


The Admin role grants full IAM access to an account. It should only be used in production when the operator role is not sufficient.

Before using the Admin role in a production environment you should think carefully about whether you could make a version controlled change deployed through our pipelines instead of using an ad hoc AWS session.

Role configuration

We manage all these IAM roles, and the corresponding policies using Terraform. The config is in the account-wide-terraform repo. This includes defining who is allowed to assume the above roles.


We use Aiven for our Opensearch backing service. We log in to Aiven using the Aiven Console.

We have 4 separate projects:

  • Dev
  • CI
  • Staging
  • Prod

Microsoft Azure

We use Microsoft Azure to provide single sign-on for some tenants. We log into Azure using the Azure Portal.

We have 4 separate Active Directory apps under the Azure account:

  • Dev
  • Staging London
  • Prod London
  • Prod

Google Cloud

We use Google Cloud for single sign-on. We log into Google using the Google Cloud Console.

We have 2 separate projects under the Azure account:

Our single sign-on apps are managed in GOV.UK PaaS